2022/01/04 update

e-Projection was certified as a company promoting teleworking

The COVID-19 pandemic forced even more adoption of telework and sparked a nationwide focus on telework as an important tool for safely and efficiently delivering missions in the public and private sectors.


Tokyo teleworking promotion certification is a program in which the Tokyo metropolitan government certifies companies that promote teleworking. In order to be accredited, a company must formulate an action plan, achieve the action plan targets and satisfy certain requirements.

e-Projection was awarded the certification of the Tokyo metropolitan government on December, 2021 as a company that promotes teleworking, improves employee performance and engagement and supports mission productivity and efficiency.

The certification recognizes the company’s introduction of systems that go beyond legal requirements, which are intended to encourage all employees to pursue long-term career development in diverse work styles. e-Projection will also promoted various other measures to create a supportive work environment with a view to helping team members achieve a good work-life balance.