2023/02/17 update

Choose the best Interviewees for your in-depth research: Recruitment tips

In market research, we should clearly define the target, study populations from which we collect data and information. The same goes for in-depth interviewing. When choosing which interviewees will participate in a research,we need to think carefully about what we want their results to mean and how we will use them in order to maximize the value of a drug or drug candidate. For example, if the goal of the research is establishing awareness in the medical/ patients community, insight from KOLs might not necessarily be sufficient. Physicians who see a lot of patients in actual clinical practice in relatively small medical institutions sometimes would give richer insights. 

There’s nothing more frustrating than spending the necessary time and energy on an in-depth interview project only to realize that your interviewees don’t give insights about what you want. When conducting in-depth interviews to gain objective opinion, it’s far too familiar for the researcher to focus on designing and building questionnaires, while neglecting the target interviewee. No matter how well the questionnaire is designed, all the effort is useless if you cannot put forward your questions to the right target. e-Projection knows the most suitable ways to identify interviewees.

Let’s get into the 3 tips on how to recruit the right target interviewee for an in-depth interview. e-Projection has achieved a high reputation in marketing research through the tips. Here are the top 3 tips:


  1. Clarify the target group

One of the most important and first factors to consider is clarifying to whom you should reach out. This process requires a deep understanding of the features of the treatment as well as getting the right image of the potential physicians who will prescribe the treatment. By having knowledge about the treatment paradigm of the indicated disease, you would be able to clarify the target physician group which brings genuinely useful viewpoints to your research.  


 2. Figure out the best balance of interviewees

Finding the perfect interviewee is necessary, but getting the best balance of interviewees is equally essential for the success of the in-depth research. In many cases, the number of interviewees included in a research is limited but you must consider the age, institutions, experiences, and backgrounds of each interviewee. Well-balanced study populations will give us non-biased insights.


 3. Outreach the target using industrial network

In order for you to recruit the right interviewees for your research, using a panel recruitment vendor could be a solution. The critical thing is, however, that the panel should be up-dated and unbiased. Otherwise, your research is falling into the very pitfalls. Our approach does not rely on any panel but uses our industrial network. We are able to reach out to the potential interviewees directory, leading to bringing right source of insights to the research.